The MMORPG Sandbox Albion Online is preparing for the official launch of July 17th. In the meantime, the developers of Sandbox Interactive propose to follow their reflection in the development, redesign and innovations on the game through a series of video.
Today, Robin Henkys, the Director of the game, invites us to discover all the improvements made to the Outlands, hostile and not subject to the laws that govern the world of Albion. These improvements include a complete graphic and functional overhaul of the territory in order to give even more difficulty to the players and the community, but also to give them more interaction with this already rich world, To minimize the hardship for small groups wanting only to discover this part of the vast territory.
The Outlands And The Royal Territory
Since the Galahad Update, with the complete overhaul of the Albion world, all the action and interactivity of the players has focused on the Royal Continent, leaving Outlands a little in suspense, with less activity increased. It is true that the players had the possibility to go to any port on the edge of the Royal Continent and to go to Outlands by simply taking the boat. The falling point was one of the many cities (previously chosen) in which they could undertake actions and start an economy.
But what was the point of going to the Outlands when everything could be done on the Royal Continent. The players have therefore remained active mainly in this zone while leaving the Outlands. To remedy this lack, developers at Sandbox Interactive have decided to recast this hostile territory by making it even more attractive in terms of rewards and resources, but by complicating its access to push players further into the Royal Continent, towards Caerleon and consequently towards the black zones.
Moreover, all the cities of Outlands will be suppressed. As a result, the few players who have established an activity and stored items in the banks and cityplots will lose their assets, thus forcing them to recover or move their funds. We advise them to remove so before the Hector update, scheduled for June 7th.
Caerleon will resume its role of center city for the Outlands, in full black zone, which will open its doors to players with bad reputation and infamous.

How To Get Into Outlands
From now on Outlands will be accessible via a unique portal located in the heart of Caerleon, in the center of the Royal Continent. From there, everyone can choose their destination according to the level of difficulty they want to search for higher-level resources. The Tier 8 will actually be available! The gate will give you the possibility to choose between three zones of difficulty (high, medium and low); And to go anywhere in those areas. Do not forget that the passage will be free of charge, no tax will be asked!
For the less adventurous or the more cautious of the GvG combat, in order to balance the possible inter-player overflows, an anti-zerg display will be updated to detect groups greater than 10 players. Small groups will be able to walk without fear of a massive attack.
This option is still in testing by developers without knowing if it will be retained.
Why Go To The Outlands?
There are a number of reasons why players should go to Outlands. The developers wanted to make these territories as attractive as possible by specifying that this is just a way of encouraging them to discover the vast world of Albion and its true GvG value.
First, many higher-level enchanted resources will be in varying amounts depending on the area chosen. The high-end resources are reserved for the highest levels. The Tier 8 resources, however, will only be available in the Watchtower Territories.
Secondly, the rewards for players will be increased, which should encourage them to leave the mainland more easily.