This colourful and fun platformer is developed by Magic Design Studios. The team behind this game comes from Ubisoft Montpellier, who took part in the creation of Rayman Origins and Rayman Legends. A game with a strange and a bit silly name Unruly Heroes is a project with which this studio entered the market. And don’t let the name of the game confuse you. All its 30 levels are sheer fun and not a second for boredom.
The Magnificent Four
The game is based on the famous Chinese novel Journey to the West. Written by an unknown author back in the 16th century, it has been the basis for several movie adaptations as well as computer games. The creators of Unruly Heroes have taken a careful approach to the source material.
As in the novel, monk Xuanzang, accompanied by strongman Sha Sheng, as well as demonic entities, monkey king Wukong and pig Bajie, have to make a long journey to the west (although most of the characters move from left to right) to collect fragments of a sacred parchment that kept the worlds in balance. After destroying the scroll, evil demonic beings have infiltrated the world.
It’s up to the heroes to save civilisation from destruction by collecting and restoring the sacred parchment. To do so you will have to overcome a very uneasy way and fight a great number of opponents, not all of them human.

Gameplay features
Players will surely appreciate the fact that Unruly Heroes is a platformer in its purest form, of which there are not many nowadays. In this game, the most convenient is considered a single-player mode. Cooperation between users is possible, but you have to play only on one screen. While playing alone, the user can switch between different characters.
Switching to another character can also be done in case of death of your hero. By the way, the death in this game is the imprisonment of the dead character in special bubble, that can be broken, and the character will be resurrected. However, during the game you need to boost the health of the resurrected character, because after the death his indicators roll back to the minimum mark.
The game characters are endowed with different abilities. For example, a pig can for a time to inflate, levitate and his carcass smash enemies. It is worth noting that the game has very interesting combat system, and so it is worth spending time learning the techniques and pumping characters.
Strengths and weaknesses
The game has a lot of advantages that rightly made it very popular among the users. Among these advantages, of course, is a very well-developed scenario. And the creators not only diversified the plot, but also created very interesting mechanics: on each new level, everything works a little differently than on the previous one.
The game’s scenario is full of surprises. Battles with both intermediate opponents and ‘level bosses’ are consistently spectacular and interesting.
Among the very frustrating shortcomings of the game’s fans should be attributed first and foremost to such an unpleasant gameplay feature as sometimes arising problems with the control of characters that jump from one platform to another. Sometimes characters can’t get a grip on the platform, even if the height of the jump allows them to do so.
Also speaking of shortcomings, users note the lack of a full-fledged co-op mode. While the game’s capabilities are quite capable of creating such a mode.